Pantone 346, 360

May 9th 2024

I have never seen eyes so green

since the day that she passed.

They were the kind of eyes that

pull you in and draw you close,

making you wonder about the

mystery of her mind. She was a

curious thing, and rather smart.

I remember the way her paws felt

when she stepped upon my chest

before nestling down to sleep.

Her purring was reassurance and

her warmth was a kindness unlike

that of any human being. She was

a healer in every sense of the word.

But, no one is a healer of death,

and no creature can outlive it.

So I dream of the last moment,

night after night, and I search

for her among a bed of lilies.

But when the morning comes,

she has withered away and I must

lay her body to rest once more.

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As a Sapling