Intricacies: Part Four

Cosmos sulphureous  

It didn’t take but a few days for the green shoots to poke through the surface of the soil and begin their journey above ground. And since then, the two rows of soft, curled sprouts have turned into a magnificent display of fiery oranges and yellows, known as ‘bright lights’. Surrounded by others of similar stature, the tallest stem reached nearly two feet into the warm air before it began to flower. Early in the week, the terminal of the stem had parted, making way for the growth of a small, round bud. It began as a darker green ball, hidden between the pinnate-formed leaves, and soon developed an apricot tone as it stretched and grew. And then, one morning, a flash of orange reflecting through the window caught my attention. Bursting from the center of ten perfectly aligned petals was a bundle of florets covered in thick, yellow pollen, and a small bumblebee hovering just above. The blossom swayed slowly whenever a breeze approached, and then it settled back in place. As the petals opened further throughout the day, two other buds peered outward from the stem. I studied its movement, as did the bees, while awaiting the arrival of our summer made of blooms.

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Intricacies: Part Five


Intricacies: Part Three